Saturday, May 8, 2010


Kharis is a Greek word translated as grace in the Bible.  Ephesians 2:8 says "For it is by kharis you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."  It is a free gift, unmerited favor, given by God for your edification.  
Funny that kharis is also the root for the secular word charisma denoting "the ability to inspire followers with devotion and enthusiasm."  Steve Martin is a charismatic guy.  I'm told he gives out this card whenever asked for an autograph; but what is the root of his warm, polite, intelligent and funny personality?  More importantly, what is the root, the source of your personality, makeup, gifts and traits?
I would postulate that our traits and gifting are from above (Ephesians 4:8) and He wants us to use them to their fullness.  Paul says "earnestly desire the greater gifts. And I show you a still more excellent way." These are God's charismata or spiritual gifts listed in the Bible:

  • Administration - 1Cor 12:28
  • Apostleship - Eph 4:11
  • Craftsmanship - Ex 31:1-5
  • Discernment - Heb 5:14, Rom 12:2
  • Encouragement - Acts 11:23, Heb 10:24
  • Evangelism - Eph 4:11
  • Faith - 1Cor 12:9
  • Giving - Rom 12:8
  • Healing/Miracles 1Cor 12:9 
  • Helps - 1Cor 12:28
  • Hospitality - 1Pet 4:9 
  • Intercession - 1Tim 2:1-2
  • Knowledge - Col 1:9-10
  • Leadership - Rom 12:8
  • Mercy - Rom 12:8
  • Prophecy - Acts 2:17
  • Shepherding/Pastoring - Eph 4:11
  • Teaching - Eph 4:11
  • Tongues/Interpretation on tongues - Acts 2:4
  • Wisdom - James 1:5
It's a long list because God gives to us richly out of His abundance.  Take a look at yourself - what do you do well?  Did God give it to you?  If it's so then use that kharis in service to the building of His Kingdom here on earth.

1 comment:

  1. And you John, have the gift of writing/teaching - Ezra 7. Great post(s), thank you.
