Funny that kharis is also the root for the secular word charisma denoting "the ability to inspire followers with devotion and enthusiasm." Steve Martin is a charismatic guy. I'm told he gives out this card whenever asked for an autograph; but what is the root of his warm, polite, intelligent and funny personality? More importantly, what is the root, the source of your personality, makeup, gifts and traits?
I would postulate that our traits and gifting are from above (Ephesians 4:8) and He wants us to use them to their fullness. Paul says "earnestly desire the greater gifts. And I show you a still more excellent way." These are God's charismata or spiritual gifts listed in the Bible:
- Administration - 1Cor 12:28
- Apostleship - Eph 4:11
- Craftsmanship - Ex 31:1-5
- Discernment - Heb 5:14, Rom 12:2
- Encouragement - Acts 11:23, Heb 10:24
- Evangelism - Eph 4:11
- Faith - 1Cor 12:9
- Giving - Rom 12:8
- Healing/Miracles 1Cor 12:9
- Helps - 1Cor 12:28
- Hospitality - 1Pet 4:9
- Intercession - 1Tim 2:1-2
- Knowledge - Col 1:9-10
- Leadership - Rom 12:8
- Mercy - Rom 12:8
- Prophecy - Acts 2:17
- Shepherding/Pastoring - Eph 4:11
- Teaching - Eph 4:11
- Tongues/Interpretation on tongues - Acts 2:4
- Wisdom - James 1:5
It's a long list because God gives to us richly out of His abundance. Take a look at yourself - what do you do well? Did God give it to you? If it's so then use that kharis in service to the building of His Kingdom here on earth.